S9Y Database Importer

This importer depends on the following third-party gems:

  • nokogiri
  • safe_yaml
  • sequel
  • unidecode
You may either install the gem(s) individually by running a command with syntax gem install GEM_NAME or install the required gems in a batch by running the following snippet:
gem install nokogiri safe_yaml sequel unidecode

This importer only converts your posts and creates YAML front-matter. It does not import any layouts, styling, or external files (images, CSS, etc).


Sample snippet to invoke the importer:

jekyll import s9ydatabase --dbname DB --socket SOCKET --user USER --password PW --host HOST --port PORT --table_prefix PREFIX --clean_entities --comments --categories --tags --drafts --markdown --permalinks --excerpt_separator --includeentry --imgfig --linebreak --relative

Option <PARAM>Description
--dbname DB

Database name.

Default: ''
--socket SOCKET

Database socket.

Default: ''
--user USER

Database user name.

Default: ''
--password PW

Database user’s password.

Default: ''
--host HOST

Database host name.

Default: 'localhost'
--port PORT

Custom database port connect to.

Default: 3306
--table_prefix PREFIX

Table prefix name.

Default: 'serendipity_'

Whether to clean entities.

Default: true

Whether to import comments.

Default: true

Whether to import categories.

Default: true

Whether to import tags.

Default: true

Whether to export drafts as well.

Default: true

convert into markdown format.

Default: false

preserve S9Y permalinks.

Default: false

Demarkation for excerpts.

Default: ''

Replace macros from the includeentry plugin.

Default: false

Replace nested img and youtube divs with HTML figure tags.

Default: true

Line break processing: wp, nokogiri, ignore.

Default: wp

Convert links with this prefix to relative.

Default: nil

Migration Options

  • --relative

    Set this to your URL prefix to convert all the absolute URLs in your posts to relative. For example, when set to myhost.com/blog, URLs like http://myhost.com/blog/lifestyle/7-lucky-post.html will be converted to /lifestyle/7-lucky-post.html. Note that you should not include the trailing slash /, and that https:// is not supported.

  • --linebreak

    If you used a formatting extension, this option might be useful. Use one of the following values to try and replicate your post line breaks as closely as possible:

    • wp

      Replicate the Wordpress line break behavior, the default for S9Y.

    • nokogiri

      Uses the nokogiri gem to interpret entries as XHTML formatted. If you write HTML entries, this preserves the HTML line breaks.

    • ignore

      This option does not process the entries at all, but imports them into Jekyll verbatim. This may be useful if you wrote your entries in a Jekyll-compatible format.

Extension Options

This importer supports some of the most common S9Y plugins.

  • --includeentry

    Use this option to transclude entries like the includeentryplugin. The current static content of the entry will be included. Future updates will not be synced.

  • --excerpt_separator

    S9Y treats the regular post body as an excerpt, displaying the extended body only in the post details. Jekyll only shows the first paragraph of the post as an excerpt. This option allows you to restore the S9Y behavior: posts with extended body will have the specified separator added to their front matter, and you can modify your index layout to show the excerpts.

  • --imgfig

    By default, this converts references to S9Y’s media library into HTML figure tags. Set it to false to keep the original references, which you’ll have to update manually.